House Captains 2017/18

House Captains for 2017/18

The Primary School House Captains were elected today and presented their badges of office in Assembly. We wish them all well for the year ahead and we certainly look forward to another year of highly competitive, fun filled activities.


The PTA AGM will be held on the evening of Wednesday 20 September, 2017 in the School Hall. The AGM will start at 6:00pm.
The PTA is a very important committee in the life of Hillview International, and it will be important for us to once again elect a passionate group of parents and staff to serve on the committee for the year ahead. The committee will represent Hillview International School as a whole and the hope is that we will have members from both the Primary School section as well as the High School section to work together for the benefit of the whole School.
We look forward to seeing a large number of parents there.


The 2016/2017 PTA have worked extremely hard over the course of the year and have raised funds to help develop areas of the School. The Tennis courts have been upgraded by painting them. This has allowed us to offer Tennis as a sport in the High School and we also look forward to developing it once again in the Primary School. The laying of a cement Cricket pitch on the lower field has added to our potential to provide a highly active Cricket Club. The Cricket pitch will be covered with a cricket astro turf shortly and we look forward to developing this exciting sport.

Josyabhatla Scholarship

Nicole Thornicroft (Year 7) was awarded the Josyabhatla Scholarship award at the end of the 2016/17 Academic Year. The award is presented to a most promising student who is transferring from our Year 6 to & Year 7 class. The award comes with an annual monetary award. Congratulations to Nicole on recieving this prestidious award.

High School Headmaster/parents dialogue

Towards the end of last term the Headmaster held a dialogue session with the High School parents held at the High School. Mr. Steve Ferguson, our new Deputy Headmaster was introduced to the parents. The Headmaster outlined the vision for the 2017/2018 academic year and then opened the forum up to questions. There was a very fruitful discussion on numerous topics and it has been decided that such dialogues will continue in future. These will be added to the school calendar for parental reference.

Some of the comments from parents were:
1. ” The day was great and I was very free to express myself.”
2. “It was a good experience to know what the school is doing to expand in the future.”
3. “Good to know what is happening and feel satisfied to hear about what is coming in the future.”
4. ” Open discussion with creativity, very nice and mature discussions.”
5. “It was good to discuss various issues of concern with the teachers in a relaxing atmosphere and just to contribute to how we move forward together.”
6. “Fantastic Parents/teacher feedback about how the school is doing so far. A lot of positive feedback. Well done!”
7. “Open, positive and fruitful discussion towards uplifting the High School – quite thrilling!”
8. “Very informative, positive and timely function and discussion. Looking forward to future dialogues.”