Clean Sweep for Hillview at Inter Schools Relay Gala

Hillview gained a historic victory in the Inter Schools Swimming Gala on Friday at Phoenix. Hillview Swimming Squad  made all the other schools sit up and take notice as they started to win the early races in the Inter Schools Relay Gala.

By the half way stage the team had built up a commanding lead and once they got their noses in front they were not going to let  anyone overtake them.

In the end the result was beyond doubt as the Hillview Squad grew in confidence with every length swum.

Every swimmer should be proud of their contribution to the team and the coaches; Coach Barrett, Njunga and Davies deserve great praise for preparing their teams.

A special mention should also be given to our ‘Red Army ‘ of supporters who came out in great numbers  and cheered every swimmer from the first to the last race.

Mr Stewart is quoted as saying “I am so proud of all the swimmers and delighted that the coaches got the results they deserved for all their hard work. Well done everyone!



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Thanking you,

Mrs C. Garson

Librarian & Baker Books Club co-ordinator.